Academics/High School
Becoming servant leaders for Christ.

Prepared for college, careers, and all of life.
No matter what path they start down first, our students leave Granville Christian Academy ready to change the world. They have sharp, bright minds to create and innovate, the confidence and integrity to always do the right thing, and hearts of compassion to serve others and lead their communities — to bring about God’s kingdom.

Faithful leaders called to do God’s work.
When our students graduate, they are able to defend their faith and are ready to continue seeking God’s heart in all that they do. They become deeply rooted in a Biblical worldview and equipped to follow in Christ’s footsteps, for a life of compassion and servant leadership. We encourage them to use the unique gifts and talents they have been blessed with to change the world.
A diverse set of academic and elective offerings.
We offer a wide range of class options for our high school students, so they can expand and deepen their knowledge as they determine their interests and passions. Scroll down to read more about our class offerings and high school curriculum.

Athletics and the Arts
We also encourage our students to be involved in athletics and arts, to begin leading younger students and providing them with mentorship and friendship, to help them feel welcomed and accepted, and to help them become who they are called to be.
High School
Course Offerings
Are HS students permitted to leave campus during lunch?
High school Seniors are able to leave campus for lunch after applying for the privilege through the Senior Lunch Program. Freshman through junior students are not permitted to leave school during lunch unless they are with their parents or guardians. If parents wish to take their student to lunch, they should follow the procedure for early dismissal in the Parent/Student Handbook.
Do you offer Advanced Placement and honors courses?
Yes, we offer Advanced College Prep (honors) courses in English, mathematics, and science for most grades in high school, though our ability to offer both tracks is somewhat dependent on enrollment. Our Advanced Placement courses include AP English Literature and Composition, AP Calculus, and AP US History.
Do you offer the College Credit Plus program?
Yes, students can take courses which will gain them credits toward their college careers.
What fine arts opportunities are available to students?
We offer fine Arts courses in areas such as Art and Digital Media. In addition, we present a theatrical production and musicals. Students with musical interests are invited to participate in our Chapel Worship Band.
How is the Bible integrated into the curriculum?
The Bible is integrated in our curriculum in a variety of ways. First, many of our textbooks are published by Christian publishers who include appropriate Bible verses and Biblical Worldview thinking in the text. In addition, our teachers organically include the Bible and a Biblical Worldview, acting as the living curriculum and walking out their faith as examples to their students.
Do you teach from Christian textbooks?
Yes, many of our textbooks are published by Christian publishers. When choosing textbooks, Christian textbooks are our first choice. However, in the evaluation process, as we evaluate academic rigor and scope and sequence of the texts, we sometimes discover that the available Christian textbooks do not meet our standard for academic excellence. In those cases, we will use a secular text and may supplement with the Christian text. In all cases, the courses are taught through the lens of Biblical truth.
Do your students take a Bible class everyday?
As we believe this is an important part of Christian education, Bible is considered a core subject and is taught every day. In addition to chapel one day per week, the K-12 classroom experience also includes Biblical integration into each academic subject on a daily basis. In addition to this, high school students can take an elective called Family Groups where they lead a weekly Bible study with our elementary classes, under the guidance of our Elementary Chaplain.
Does GCA have chapel services?
Yes. Our high school students attend chapel weekly. Chapel services are organized by our Principal.

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