School Health Services

Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do if my child needs medication during school hours?
When possible, all medications should be administered at home. If a prescription medication must be given during school hours, the Prescription Medication Authorization Form must be completed and signed by your child’s physician. An adult must bring the form, along with the medication in its original container, to the school office. If it is an over-the-counter medication, the grade appropriate Over the Counter Medication Authorization Form must be completed and the medication brought to school, by an adult, in the original container. Please do NOT send medication to school with your child and please do NOT bring medication in plastic baggies.
What happens if there is a change in my child’s medication?
For changes in a prescription medication, a new Prescription Medication Authorization Form must be completed and signed by the physician. The form, along with the new medication in its new container, must be brought to school by an adult. If the medication is over the counter, a new Over the Counter Medication Authorization Form must be completed and returned to school, along with the new medication in its original container. If a medication is being discontinued, please notify the school nurse. Any remaining medication must be picked up by an adult for proper disposal and may not be sent home with the student.
What do I do if my child needs medication during a school-related field trip?
Please complete the appropriate medication form, either Over the Counter Medication Authorization Form or Prescription Medication Authorization Form, and bring it to school along with the necessary amount of medication in the original container. Please include any special instructions. We ask this be completed prior to the day of the field trip.
Can my child have cough drops at school?
Cough drops are permitted, but we ask that students bring them to the clinic in the original bag. Decisions on whether a student will be permitted to self-carry them or store them in the clinic will be determined on a case-by-case basis. An Over the Counter Medication Authorization Form must also be on file.
How often must medication paperwork be updated?
The New Prescription Medication Authorization Form and Over the Counter Medication Authorization Form must be completed and signed by the physician and parent at the beginning of every school year. In addition, any changes in medication (medication, dosage and/or time of dose) require a new form from the physician as soon as the change has been implemented.